Founded in 1993 following the catastrophic effects of Hurricane Andrew, the Disaster Relief Fund gives assistance to fire fighters and paramedics who are displaced from their homes as the result of any disaster—including manmade disasters, floods, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and other events. The Fund has assisted with both large- and small-scale disasters. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the Fund raised and distributed more than $167,000,000. After Hurricane Sandy in 2012, more than $485,000 in assistance was distributed. Additionally, assistance was granted to members following Hurricane Isaac, the Calgary floods, and the Oklahoma tornados..

When disasters strike, fire fighters are called to respond, even while their own families may be displaced and their homes damaged or destroyed. The Disaster Relief Fund provides immediate financial assistance to help these displaced fire fighters and their families while they contnue to serve the surrounding communities. Those affected by these disasters need your help. Click on the button above to help now. To receive text alerts from the IAFF Charitable Foundation, text IAFF (no quotation marks) to 50555. To send $10 to the Disaster Relief Fund, text DISASTER to 50555 (carrier rates may apply).